maandag 29 april 2013

Yulia Tymoshenko Or Retro Hair Do?


Which Hairstyle Would You Like To See In A Video Tutorial?
Hey guys,

Very simple today. I have two hair styles here, my favorites. The one with the braid is pretty much what I always do but this one is a lit a bit different. It has the Yulia Tymoshenko statement look that I absolutely LOVE. Some may say that it looks plain and for a older generation. But for me it represents beauty in a classic way, it is original and it streams down to my Ukrainian roots. The second look is more retro/pin up look.. or something like that hah. I like this hair do. It is easy for me to do, all I need is bobby pins and inspiration and the rest will come. Yeah, you could do this hair style in many different way for example with victory rolls. I deed that on new year’s eve.  
Please do let me know which hair do you would like to see in a video. And I will do that.

You can find the photos of our new year’s eve on our instagram :chocolatevanillabt


That is all



2 opmerkingen:

  1. I love the way you do your hair!<3
    can you post more ideas?, or a tutorial

    1. Sure!, i will try to make a tutorial or post new hair styles.
