donderdag 2 juli 2015

Hard work pays off (4th semester, AMFI)

Dear readers,
Today I want to share something of Burcu, the other half of this blog and basically of me. This girl works so hard at school. If you didn’t know by now, she studies at the Amsterdam fashion Institute in fashion and design. Moreover, let me tell you this, we have an expression in Dutch ‘ petje af’ which basically means RESPECT! The expectations they have of their students and the amount of work the students have to do is out of this world. So if you are interested in this study, I would do your research first and maybe stalk some students for the ins and outs, like Burcu for example :p. Ok, besides all of that I wanted to share her work with you guys. I mean we haven’t been really active on the blog but that’s not because we lost interest it’s because we were really busy with school.( I graduated ) Furthermore, this is the result of hard work, of her hard work.

One of Burcu’s assignments of the 4th semester in the second year was to design two pieces  for spring/ summer 16. I think her inspiration was heaven, but I am sure. it’s probably way more and deeper than that. Anyways, she probably would have given way more insight but I am telling this from my perspective. Honestly, all I can tell you guys is that she came up with this great idea to marmer/ ebru the cloths and I helped in the process. I didn’t do much but still I helped. From what I understand this technique is usually done on paper but Burcu wanted to incorporate it on to her cloths, she used silk and it turned out gorgeously. The marmer on paper technique is a ancient art that was used 2000 years ago in China. Later on it became really popular in Japan in the 12e century. And in Turkey they used a similar technique called ‘ebru’. So yeah, this is a little bit of what I can tell you about the marmer/ erbu technique Burcu used to create her designs. It’s something different, she is really creative and very talented and you can see that in her work.

I am very proud of her and I really wanted to share this with you guys if you don’t follow us on social media, shame on you.. just kidding, but you would have seen her process and work. Also, if you have any more questions about Burcu, AMFI, the designs or marmer/ erbu leave a comment below or you can always email us! ( btw, she took classes to learn the marmer and erbu techniques )

Furthermore, I took some pictures of the catwalk that they had. But the models walked soooooooo fast and my photographs turned blurry so apologize for that. That’s it you guys.

Always with love,

Chocolate & Vanilla 


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